Table of Contents
Syntax Highlighting
:syntax on
This can also be added to .vimrc
Yank or delete between parentheses
Motion select
These work for matching parenthesis ()
, square brackets []
, curly brackets {}
, angle brackets <>
, etc…
y% - yank d% - delete
For visual mode
v%y - highlight between parenthesis and yank v%d - highlight between parenthesis and delete
Object select
With the cursor within a block
yab - yank the block including the enclosing parenthesis dab - delete the block including the enclosing parenthesis yib - yank the block excluding the enclosing parenthesis dib - delete the block excluding the enclosing parenthesis
For visual mode
v2a) - visual select, 2 nesting levels, including the enclosing parenthesis v1i) - visual select, 1 nesting level, excluding the enclosing parenthesis
Comment/Uncomment multiple lines
- Enter visual mode:
- Select the lines to comment.
- Add the line comment characters to the beginning of each line:
:s/^/# - shell scripts :s/^/\/\/ - C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript :s/^/-- - SQL
- Enter visual mode:
- Select the lines to comment.
- Remove the line comment characters to the beginning of each line:
:s/^#/ - shell scripts :s/^\/\// - C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript :s/^--/ - SQL
Auto Indentation
:set autoindent :set cindent
Add/Remove indentation
- Enter visual mode:
- Select the lines to indent.
to increase indent one tab<
to decrease indent one tab.n>
to increase indentn
to decrease indentn
Replace word with copied text
- Yank (or delete) the text into a buffer:
- to yank a word. - Move to the beginning of the word to replace.
for visual select,w
for the word,p
to paste.
Reload the current file from disk
- Reload the current file:
(without specifying a file name) - Reload the current file after it's been modified:
Change Case
- Change word to lowercase:
- Change word to uppercase:
- Toggle word case (aBBa → AbbA):
vim.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/18 18:15 by