! Aterm customized defaults Aterm*reverseVideo: true Aterm*visualBell: true ! for unix only (otherwise, use xterm or xterm-color) Aterm*termName: dtterm Aterm*saveLines: 5000 Aterm*transparent: true Aterm*transpscrollbar: true Aterm*shading: 40 Aterm*font: -*-clean-medium-r-*--14-*-*-*-*-60-*-* ! blue is usually too dark to see. this fixes that Aterm*color4: RoyalBlue Aterm*color12: RoyalBlue ! Xterm customized defaults XTerm*reverseVideo: false XTerm*foreground: green XTerm*background: black XTerm*visualBell: true XTerm*termName: dtterm XTerm*saveLines: 5000 XTerm*scrollBar: true XTerm*font: *-fixed-*-*-*-20-* XTerm*color4: RoyalBlue XTerm*color12: RoyalBlue